












like i really fuckin love those modern gods posts.

but think about: modern worshipers

-college kids offering food stolen out of their cafeteria

-eshrines made by kids whose parents wont allow altars

-teenagers with their hair tucked into a trucker hat because they are unable to veil properly for their gods

-offerings of boones farm and mikes hard lemonade

-skin covered in classical tattoos devoted to the gods

-stereos blaring musical offerings of carefully crafted playlists

-children learning to love gods they were taught as myths

-high school students acing their lit test on the Iliad because they already have itab half memorized


This is what it is for a lot of us.

100% this is my life ^^

Yeah, no imagining required, guys.

The secret desk drawer stash of Keurig cups you ordered at your own expense because it’s the special devotional coffee blend.

Business development leads at 9 am, going into the presentation that will make or break the seven-figure deal, mumbling their gods’ names under their breath over and over as they mentally run through the presentation for the thousandth time in the past twelve hours till the room quiets and the pitch begins.

That feel when super heavy crunch week at the office is also super heavy incoming gnosis week and super heavy experiential overwhelm week.

Middle-aged marketing managers quietly having important conversations with their gods in the liminal space of the daily subway commute.

(Sorry, but I’ve seen this post about 20 times and keep resisting the urge to point out that older modern devotees exist, and this reblog caught me at a time when I was exhausted enough because of item three to give in.)

Scientists sacrificing test mice to the Gods for success. (happens)

Chemist making colourful flames before an important synthesis to please the Gods of Trouble and not have them interfere.

Drawing sigils onto the bottoms of reaction flasks.

@grimnirs-child @secondgenerationimmigrant look we’re not alooone

This is so beautiful. I’m so glad to hear that more of us exist and worship this way.

MOAR. I have to go out immediately rn but we so need to start a science pagans tag or thread or something.

The frazzled mother that breaks down in tears the minute she closes the door when telling her child goodnight, harried prayers of thanks to Demeter for helping her get through the day. 

The house wife whispering prayers of thanks to Athena when dousing her pan in olive oil, lighting a candle to Hestia to reflect on while she cooks, peeling potatoes over the sink and thanking Demeter for her bounty.

Stealing an extra hour after everyone has gone to sleep to serve her gods Their offerings and give them a hello prayer of thanks. Not because it needs to be a secret, but because that’s the only time she gets unquestionable alone time.

Having a fight with her spouse and desperately praying to Hera to help her see how to make it right. Leaving Her offerings of thanks before they celebrate their wedding anniversary. 

Seeing the stretch marks covering her abdomen, and the fine lines starting to come in under her eyes and praying to Aphrodite to help her continue to love herself in her aging body. 

Stealing away from everyone while having a day at the beach to have a devotional swim with Poseidon. 

Running errands in an unfamiliar part of town and having a chat with Hermes about not getting lost. 

Hephaestus, please bless my car, because I can not afford another maintenance bill right now. 

Thanking Athena for Her solid support and cool strength of mind while steering her family and life through yet another crisis. 

Lighting a candle to Hermes when paying the bills. 

Thanking Hermes for a clear road to walk across on on my way to work because I almost got hit by a fucking car that one time.

Keeping small altars at your work desk.

Listening to devotional playlists while working.

Apologizing for being too tired from work to give offerings.

Feeling your gods around you on bad mental health days.

Seeing animals associated with your god makes your whole day better.

I do this at work, in my car and of course, at home. I love being a modern polytheist. 

Crossing a river or stream (of which there are many around here) and greeting Danu in all Her flows. Hearing Her whisper in the gurgle of water.

Walking the property boundary while walking the dog and asking the Dagda to bless and protect all that you call home.

Singing joyfully to Brigid as you clean and cook and keep home, then throwing yourself into Her inspirational fire and creating.

Speeding down the road, wind in your face and tugging playfully at your hair as you open your heart and pour out joy to Manannán, your laughter a prayer of thanks.

So, I was curious. I know with the gaelic gods, there isn’t much of a concept of “so and so is the god of this” but, I was wondering who I may ask for protection while traveling?


If all else falls: Lugh. Just cause he’s good at literally everything and he’s the go to for all sorts of prayers

That said, my mind also goes to mah boi: Manannan Mac Lir. TECHNICALLY people prayed to him while traveling at sea, BUT I get the sense from him that he’ll help with travel in general. And as a psychopomp who has a duty of traveling with spirits to the mythical lands, I feel he has a connection with travel overall. That and he’s really connected with traveling within liminal spaces too… So yeah, I’d personally go with Manannan.

Other gaelpols please feel free to chime in

Agreed! Manannán is my travel go-to, and I’ve blessed our truck and our bike (especially our bike!) in His name. I offer the thrill and joy of riding our bike as offering every time we cruise.

I also like to ask the Fianna – and Fionn in particular – to guide and guard if we’re on the road for multiple days. This is more ancestor-centric, though, as we are travelers who enjoy being on the road and appeal to those wandering warriors as spiritual ancestors. Travel stories make great offerings.

So Manannán for all travel; the Fianna specifically for long wanderings.


How do Witches Celebrate Birthdays?

My 30th birthday in January will also be my first birthday as a witch. Usually I throw a big birthday party, but this year I have been a bit of a hermit and focusing on me and my husband’s health. So I kind of want to make my 30th something personal yet special.

Some of my ideas to do on my Birthday (as a City Witch)

  • Have a session with a Psychic to talk about my upcoming year
  • Have a session with a Medium to connect with my friends and family who’ve died
  • Get a witch themed tattoo (I have a few ideas)
  • Get my Natal Chart read by a professional
  • Commission a portrait of my witchy self
  • Perform a good luck spell for the year
  • Make an herb bread with all the herbs and spices that would correlate to your intentions for the year. Share with the loved ones you wish to be with you throughout your year.
  • Candle magick, make up an ultimate birthday wish candle spell that is activated when you blow it out.
  • If you have deities, invite them to have a little birthday party with you. Have offerings for them to thank them for your year and to tell them your goals for the new year.
  • Recieve an aura cleanse through smoke, crystals, incense, or Reiki

What have you done to celebrate your birthday as a Witch?

Some of the oldest and simplest magics still hold power.

Make a wish for the year ahead, and blow out the candles over your cake.

Gather with those you hold most dear and raise energy to give that wish power and strengthen your connections to one another.

While these traditions weren’t overtly magical, they were purposeful, folklore to bring goodness and love into your year, as well as celebrating your life. But the best part of witchcraft is finding the magical in every day. It’s giving magic to things that held magic to you once before and reinvigorating traditions with purpose.

Yes, make your magical bread and share it with your family and friends – alive and dead – with your deities, and with your local spirits. Get that witchy tattoo that makes you feel good and empowered. Do all those fun and extravagant things that bring you joy. Birthdays should always get to be about joy and magic, as most of us got to believe in as children.











“Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree?“

Holy shit this fucking super power. The avengers did Quicksilver WRONG.

Holy shit

The brilliant thing about this isn’t just the CGI, it’s the clever little touches of humor– mussing the boy’s hair, saving the goldfish, drinking the soda can, the moonwalk, lining up the dart with the dartboard. I notice new details every time I see this clip. You can watch this scene with zero context and still fully enjoy it. You don’t need to know who he is or who he’s saving or why. There’s a guy who runs real fast and he’s saving people from an explosion, and he’s having a blast with it, and that’s all you need to know. It’s entertaining and fully comprehensible even if you know nothing about the movie. That’s damn good filmmaking.

There’s that, and there’s also the fact that his mind is at least as fast as his body. He knows exactly how much time he has at his current rate of speed to make sure no one gets even a little hurt by the explosion that’s going to hit them with the same force as it normally would no matter how fast he personally is going and how slow other things look by comparison. He’ll take people one at a time if he can, two at a time if he has to, and those he doesn’t have time to get fully out of the building before the explosion hits someone else, he … figures something out (mattress, curtains, pond).

Everyone focuses on the speed of speedsters. No one ever thinks how smart they have to be to actually act at that speed without hurting someone.

I was thinking about this last night, where someone noted that what makes an experienced speedster dangerous isn’t just their speed, but the reaction and processing time required to use that speed effectively. Someone who moves that fast is dangerous, someone who can react instantaneously and is effectively impossible to surprise is terrifying.

Marvel had my mans die by gunshot

Meanwhile the guy saving people from an explosion is having a blast

this is what harnessed adhd looks like

About how the MCU treated Quicksilver – it actually does make sense, as awful as it was. And @thessalian explained it perfectly.

X-Men’s Quicksilver is a mutant who knows his powers intimately. They aren’t something that happened to him/is happening to him, they are simply part of who he is. X-Men established that mutations manifest in puberty. While this Quicksilver is a teen/early 20s, he’s still had years of experience with his powers.

I bet in those early days, it was chaotic and confusing. New things are always confusing until you understand them, so it would be understandable that it took him a while to catch up to himself. But once he did? Every day stretches on so that months are like years. Years to learn and know his limits, and to push beyond them. But how long to get there in the first place?

Now back to poor MCU Quicksilver. He’s older – which makes learning new things a little tougher for most of us. His abilities are not natural abilities, but given to him by a mad scientist. There is no built in learning curve, so the chaos of first learning how all this works probably takes a little more getting used to. I mean, running fast? That’s the easy part. Stopping is a bit harder, but the learning curve is a bit more favorable – the more you screw up, the quicker you figure out what works by process of elimination.

But the brain bit? That’s going to take longer. Babies learn to run long before they figure out how to duck. And in the MCU, that’s pretty much what Pietro and Wanda are, powers wise. You can look at Wanda’s progression through later movies and watch her become more proficient and more powerful.

Given time, MCU Quicksilver could have become like X-Men Quicksilver and pretty much every other speedster. If it helps, DCTV’s Barry Allen was in a months-long coma for his brain to adjust to functioning at superspeed. MCU Quicksilver just got to be a hero before he matured in his powers.

I was going to make an awesome video to celebrate my doggo’s 2nd birthday/1 year adoptoversary last Thursday (Sept 13). But it failed and frustration won the day.

So instead, you get a photo dump of some pics from the last year. Salem Jean, me, and @ibnhergyr.





okay listen up people


It’s TWICE the size of Florence, is the strongest ever recorded in the area and is about to hit the Philippines

Please, if you live in south east Asia, particularly the Philippines STAY SAFE, evacuate if you need to and if not listen to all safety precautions


I’m not in the Philippines anymore but I’m definitely worried about my friends and family

Just want to point something out (because I think OP might have gotten bamboozled by different measurements), but Mangkhut isn’t twice the size of Florence.

Florence is 500 miles/800 km in diameter. Mangkhut is 559 miles/900 km in diameter.

That being said:

In terms of sheer intensity, Mangkhut puts Florence to shame.

Right now, Florence is petering out, with wind speeds that just barely make her a tropical storm. (Yeah, “Hurricane Florence” is no longer a hurricane, by wind speed.) The biggest dangers from her are the flooding from the rainfall and storm surges. That, and the fact that she’s not going anywhere, because her westward movement is, at time of typing, 2 mph; you could literally escape her at a leisurely walk, barring all the flooding.

Mangkhut, on the other hand, is just getting started and rampaging across land as a Cat 4, with one-minute sustained windspeeds of 120 mph and gusts of up to 150 mph. 

If you are in Mangkhut’s path, please be attentive to any evacuation orders from your government/community. I’ve reblogged some tips for sheltering in place in the last few days, and can find them again if any of my followers need them. 


Red and brown and bright

cunning and clowning and crowned

man of the people, you

who know the rightness of every chord struck, every deed done.

The music of the world sounds clear to your ears,

and rings true from your harp.

Never can that which is not right be done by you.

Generous and jubilant and jesting,

hearts go light and bellies go full from your company.

Want is ever a stranger in your house

and solid are the walls of your making,

giving rest to those within.

Blessings upon blessings to you, a Dhagda.

And may you grant us blessing for our works,

waken our wit to twisting of words and ways,

and let us never leave mirth forgotten

amid wrath nor reverence.

Fáilte, a Dhagda

GaelPol Presentation?


@bogganbeliefs​ mentioned to me that my GaelPol Presentation I’m doing for extra credit in my Intro to Comparative Religions class may be something others want to see. So I’m thinking I would do it next week sometime if anyone is interested in attending? 

The presentation is a Google Slides of just some really basic information about Gaelic Polytheism. I’m presenting it to a class of students who most likely don’t even know that paganism and polytheism exist in modern day, so it’s not really anything that philosophical. Just a lot of the ethics, beliefs, etc that I find that most GaelPols follow. 

It’d be over, and I currently don’t know the run time but I’m hoping it won’t last longer than thirty minutes (it’s 8 slides of information, which doesn’t seem too long to me? Maybe??? I’ll go through it in a bit to see how roughly long it is…) 

Anyways, let me know if you’re interested! This is gonna be totally free. I’m thinking either Monday Sept. 17th at 6pm CST or Tuesday Sept. 18th at 7pm CST.

Thanks! 😀 Let me know if you have any questions!

If it’s on Monday, I’ll be able to! That’s when @ibnhergyr is in class. Either way, you’ll be great.